Hire a Car and Explore Kenya at your Own Pace

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport which found in something about 20km from Nairobi the capital of Kenya is the main airport in Kenya it has two terminals, terminal 1 which is divided into 4 parts; 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1E which are used by international arrivals and departures while terminal 1D is used for domestic departures and arrivals and terminal 2 Serves mainly low-cost carrier airlines.

Exploring Kenya

Kenya offers a captivating touring experience with its remarkable features like the unique Masai Mara and the great wildebeest experience. Tourists to this amazing country can indulge in the beauty of sun-kissed beaches, lively cities, and of course wildlife. As one of the world’s best tourist destinations, Kenya spans vast distances, making road and rail travel less convenient.

To enhance your travel experience, renting a car is highly recommended. Kenya has numerous affordable car hire companies that can provide you with a vehicle of your choice. Car rental offers several advantages over other modes of transportation. It allows you to tour at your own pace and provides the flexibility to stop and immerse yourself in any awe-inspiring destination that captures your interest.

Driving in Kenya

Nairobi Traffic Jam

When renting a car in Kenya, it is important to adhere to specific driving regulations. To drive in the country, you must possess an International driving license. Alternatively, in case you are from a European country, your local driving license can be used.

It is crucial to follow traffic laws in order to avoid a lot of fines. Wearing seatbelts is mandatory, and in case you traveling with kids it’s advisable to get child car seats. It is the responsibility of the car rental company to provide a vehicle equipped with these seats but in most cases, they come at a cost. Additionally, it is essential to carry your travel documents with you at all times.

The speed limits in Kenya are as follows: 50km/h in populated areas, 80 km/h in less populated areas, and 100km/h on highways. Regardless of the severity, spot fines are imposed for any violations.

Currency Exchange

Kenya Shillings Notes

Exchanging Kenyan currency, known as Kenyan shillings, is a very easy process. You can exchange currency at the forex bureaus, which are specialized shops, as well as bank ATMs and travel agencies. It is worth noting that the exchange rates at the airport are typically unfavorable. If unable to exchange at a bank, hotels often offer better rates than the forex bureaus at the airports.

Tourist Destinations

Kenya as a country is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty and offers an abundance of tourist destinations to cater to every type of traveler. It ranks among the best safari destinations on the continent and is home to several national parks, tropical islands, majestic waterfalls, and pristine white sand beaches, among many others. If you don’t have your own vehicle, consider contacting one of the affordable car hire companies in the country to ensure an enjoyable exploration of the country. Some of the top destinations to visit on your safari to Kenya include: